Get to know Our Team
Our Valuation Team consists of experienced professional appraisers who have earned the MAI designation, the highest professional designation from the Appraisal Institute. All appraisers are California state certified and licensed real estate appraisers.
Our Appraisers are highly qualified with strong reporting and analytical skills and have an extreme desire to serve diligently and efficiently. They are firmly supported by our skilled in-house production staff, and strictly overseen by management, to ensure the completion of all assignments on time.
Our Staff is highly trained, highly knowledgeable, efficient, extremely friendly, unselfish, motivated and goal oriented. They provide essential report production assistance to ensure timely delivery.

Get to know Appraisal Pacific Inc (API)
OUR BRAND represents client satisfaction and is built upon the industries highest professional standards and practices.
OUR SYSTEM promotes consistent accommodation of concurrent assignments while strictly adhering to agreed upon delivery dates.
OUR BEGINNING with MAI designations in hand, two brothers dreamed of infusing their core family values and unique business style into the appraisal profession.
OUR UNIQUENESS stems from our family traits and a work ethic fueled by a desire to serve.
OUR SKILLS developed by first placing a high value on "uncommon" abilities, including communication, logic and deductive reasoning. We pride ourselves in performing at a high level on a daily basis.
OUR MISSION is to consistently provide our clients with the highest quality of work on a timely basis.
OUR EXPERIENCE consists of dedication to the appraisal industry since 1984 and decades more when you include our highly regarded appraisers and staff members.
OUR APPROACH is to provide responsive service for each and every assignment we accept from the initial engagement through final review. We recognize that the job we do may not be unique yet how we do it and deliver it is.
OUR PHILOSOPHY is to always represent our clients in a positive way, with respect and professionalism.
OUR VISION is to create a long and lasting client relationship.
OUR LEADERSHIP is based on good listening skills and a high degree of personal accountability.
OUR CLIENTS always know what they can expect when engaging Appraisal Pacific, Inc.

Get To Know Our Founders
If you would like to know more about our founders (Licenses, Educations & Affiliations) please click the blue links below:
Andrew P. Mitrosilis, MAI Founding Partner, Appraisal Pacific Inc.
Ted P. Douglas, MAI Founding Partner, Appraisal Pacific Inc.
SPECIAL RECOGNITION to our Staff. We appreciate the way in which they approach every day with a positive attitude and an open mind. They have big hearts and always put the client first.
SPECIAL THANKS to our Clients. We appreciate the way in which they consistently put their trust in our brand, our systems, our services and our people. If time is the ultimate test, then we are thankful that our clients have tested us over decades.